"How shall I ever forget the solemn mystery of it? The height of the trees and the thickness of the boles exceeded anything which I in my town-bred life could have imagined, shooting upwards in magnificent columns until, at an enormous distance above our heads, we could dimly discern the spot where they threw out their side-branches into Gothic upward curves which coalesced to form one great matted roof of verdure, through which only an occasional golden ray of sunshine shot downwards to trace a thin dazzling line of light amidst the majestic obscurity."
(Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle, "The Lost World")
Hardly I can describe Amazonian paradise better than Sir Doyle. This place where everything is blooming, screaming, crying, cheeping everywhere around, covering you by a warm surge of feelings which overlaid all others...
Just imagine the numbers: 670 species of birds, including 8 species of colorful macaw, 174 species of mammals, some of which you can never see anywhere else (for example, Giant Anteater and Amazonian Tapir), 100 species of reptiles and amphibians and about 20,000 types of different plants. It seems to be impossible to comprehend by the mind - the only way to believe it is to feel it from inside.
The biodiversity of this region is perhaps not as bright and flashy as in South Africa, where you can see huge herds of antelopes, prides of lions and families of elephants. In Amazonia, you become not an observer but mostly a hunter of treasures; you can find a little wonder in every branch, behind clumps of dried grass, in the depth of the bushes. And gradually you start to feel like a part of this eternal wheel of life.
Just imagine the numbers: 670 species of birds, including 8 species of colorful macaw, 174 species of mammals, some of which you can never see anywhere else (for example, Giant Anteater and Amazonian Tapir), 100 species of reptiles and amphibians and about 20,000 types of different plants. It seems to be impossible to comprehend by the mind - the only way to believe it is to feel it from inside.

How to get to Amazonian Rainforest:
The best and safest way is to contact some research, volunteer or eco-tourism agency. My choice was Fauna Forever: they know everything in the area and can organize any activity for the very reasonable price.
Climate and weather in Tambopata Rainforest:

Bits of Advice:
- If you are dreaming of giving something to this world, one of the best ways is to volunteer for this wonderful forest, the lungs of our planet. There are so many things that need to be done, and you can easily find an activity that suits your dreams and abilities.
- The trails are not difficult, sufficiently safe and can bring you a lot of fun, but to find the treasures you have to be quiet, attentive and patient.
- I was told that for a short visit, one doesn't need any special vaccinations except for yellow fever. It is important to use a strong insect repellent, especially during the wet season.
- You should have rubber boots to walk in the rainforest.
- You better not grab vegetation or leave your clothes and shoes outside; otherwise, the Amazonian biodiversity may come too close to your body for comfort.
- You should be watchful but not afraid: in reality, the rainforest is a much safer place than a big city.
Fauna Forever - the best Intermediary between you and Amazonian Rainforest.